Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tomlinson's Corners Cemetery – Post 2

Tomlinson's Corner Cemetery, Mendon, Monroe County, New York. This is the Willow tree stone Post. The majority of them were in the section on the left side of the photo.

(( Doing some Googling I found this: The following was in the Honeoye Falls Times on March 31, 1921:

At Tomlinson's Corners is a small burying ground containing 65 stones. Standing alone is an old field stone with the initials "M. Y." This old stone marks the grave of Brigham Young's first wife. It has been desecrated by relic hunters to such an extant that the letters are now nearly obliterated. On what was known years ago as the Dunshee farm, in the south-east corner of the township there is a little range of hills that form a water shed for the creeks and brooks that flow into the larger streams that empty into Irondequoit Bay. Near the source of one of these streams is an opening formed like the letter V with the open end to the west, and at one end, covered now with willows, are 5 natural springs, that feed a brook that eventually reaches Irondequoit Creek. On this creek Brigham Young who came originally from Vermont, built a house and then a saw mill. He belonged to the Baptist Church before he joined the "Latter Day Saints" or Mormons, and the V on his farm with the opening towards the west, and the "living springs" were all regarded as "signs" after he became the successful conquerer of the Utah desert. He was a painter and glazier by trade and when the lumber business was dull he plied his trades and also manufactured chairs and baskets which he peddled thru the country. Benjamin and Rufus Park, from Berkshire Co., Mass., purchased land from Wm. Wadsworth in 1793 and became actual settlers in 1794, and John Park before 1801. Amaziah Park made his will March 14, 1822 and his wife's name was Mary. His heirs mentioned in the will are "heirs of eldest daughter, deceased, viz, Amaziah, Alvin, Hannah, and Ruth (no surname given)." "My son Benjamin's heirs, viz: Amaziah, Thomas and Calvin. My sons John, Amaziah, daughters, Hannah, Molly and Jemima." There was a Lt. Amaziah Park in Col. Douglass' Co. who joined the American Army in the State of New York in 1776. (From Conn. Men in the Am. Rev.)

In memory of
Judith Kimball

In Memory of
Candric D…lf
She died July 26, 1806
In the 14 year
Of her age.

Thomas Reed
Died Aug 21
Aged 51 years

To the memory of
Hannah, wife of
Amaziah Park
Who departed this
Life Jun 10 1811
In the 79th year
Of her age

To the memory of
Amaziah Park
Who departed
This life May 10
1821 in the 86th
Year of his life

Rejoice for a brother deceased.

(this stone had an American flag next to it but no information whether a veteran or not)


In memory of
Benjamin Park who
Died June 16 1819 in the
44th year of
His age

Eli Dolbeer
Apr 29, 1859
AE 59 Yr 10 mo 26 d's.

In memory of
Wife of
Thomas Reed
Formerly the wife of
Benjamin Park
Who died
Jan 28 1838
In her 53rd year.

Seth Williams
Died Apl 10
In the 45 year
Of his age

Hellen Jemima
Daughter of
Charles & Dolan Ann (?)
Died Apl 30 1849
Age 1 y'r 22 d's

In memory of
Polly wife of
John Dolberr died
Nov ..  1825 age
55 years

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tomlinson's Corner Cemetery

I realize that I like to do everything in life in the hardest way possible. I could have rambled out to cemeteries during the mild months of weather. I will admit I probably would not go out in summer. I hate the heat and really do not do well in it. Still, zero degree days and 35 degree days? I can't go when it is 60 degrees out? Ah but anyway…

Several times I have thought to leave the Graveyard Rabbit community simple because my post is too long overdue and I feel I am not worthy of those Rabbits that do put in the time to produce an outstanding group of blogs. I feel I have let them down being very non-committal and I think really is that I just try to do too much and no matter how hard I try to refocus and do less, I still end up doing too much because I love to do it all. So to those that are more serious about their commitment to GYR, my heartfelt apologies of not pulling my share. I did change my mind about stepping out of the series for one reason alone, if I blog 50 times a year or even just 2.. Maybe in that 2 blogs, someone just might break through a brick wall in their family research just because I happened to take a snap shot and post it. Too, I just love going to cemeteries. I love the quiet, I love the history and I do go through a range of emotions when I see a line of stones of so many children lost to a couple.. Today's cemetery represents that.

October 16 and barely 38 degrees out. What gives with the early winter! This is a very small cemetery yet this cemetery has connections with the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Tomlinson;s Corners Cemetery is on Boughton Hill Road, Mendon in Monroe County, New York.

One thing I did notice was many of the stones here had weeping willows on them. There was a cluster anyway and perhaps all of the same family. In Googling I came up with the meaning "earthly mourning" and that in some cultures it represents immortality. I am not an expert. Another group were plain white stones in a long row. I have not researched this cemetery so I don't know anything about it so sometimes it is fun to try to surmise the why's of things though I am probably way off!

As you can see, it is a very small cemetery. The next shot is out across the road, it was a pretty fall day, the colors just starting.

Mrs. Brigham Young

Miriam Works Young
Wife of
Brigham Young
Born June 7, 1806
At Auerelius, New York
Died September 8, 1832
At Mendon, New York

Solomon F Kimball
Died July 9, 1825 Age 50
Father of
Heber C Kimball
And Great Grandfather of
Spencer W Kimball
The 12th President of
The Church of
Jesus Christ
Of Latter-Day

John Clafflin
CPL Capt Millers Co
Col Beard's Mass Regt
Revolutionary War
Apr  8 1754 -  Mar 17 1822

John Park
Died Feb 26, 1861
Age 84 Yrs
War of 1812